This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission

v1.1 Released

Now that the dust has settled from Ludum Dare, we've compiled a post-jam release we some fixes and features:

  • Brought back any fallen comrades as undead thralls.
  • Killed all monsters when The Host is killed. No new monsters will spawn after The Host is killed.
  • Changed the final epilogue text to a black screen, mirroring the opening prologue.
  • Added better tutorial text around The Professor's counterattacks.
  • Changed the shape of some rooms, making them longer or cross-shaped.
  • Added our email list to the credits screen!!!
  • Added a new title screen.

You can play the latest build of the game here on itchio - leave us a comment with what you want to see next!!

Files Play in browser
5 days ago

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