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oh no it looks like an among us character


This game is so fun and polished! The Bomb Bots also act super intelligent. Can you give me a brief summary of how the AI for them works? Also, did you use a game engine to make this game?

I build all my games in Frog Tactics, a private game engine I've been building up for years. This is my tenth tactics rpg I built using it!!

The ai uses influence maps to identify where to throw bombs.

What do you mean by influence maps? Do you mean something like a heat map where bomb positions that threaten the player or free a  bot are given more weight and positions that threaten other bots are given less weight? Then the bot navigates towards the most weighted option and places a bomb there?


Ehgoodenough… i can relate to that username X


Love the IntoTheBreach-esque gameplay! My main complaint is how you can get into an un-winnable situation if two of your blasters die too early. Into The Breach kept the mechs but left them on "autopilot" with no special abilities. Maybe something like that could work here?

(1 edit) (+2)

Looks Great! I don't think pushing Bomb Bots off the stage works properly? It never ended the level when I did that. All entities you push off the stage kinda just are stuck there


Thanks for reporting this bug! As of v1.1.0, a unit will now die if it is pushed off the map.

The original intended behavior was that units would never be pushed off the map, and instead collide with the edge of the map. But isn't it way more fun to yeet your enemies off into space??